- RepairBench: Leaderboard of Frontier Models for Program Repair: A Silva, M Monperrus. 2nd International Workshop on Large Language Models for Code (LLM4Code 2025)
- GitBug-Java: A Reproducible Benchmark of Recent Java Bugs: A Silva, N Saavedra, M Monperrus. 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ‘24), Data and Tool Showcase Track
- GitBug-Actions: Building Reproducible Bug-Fix Benchmarks with GitHub Actions: N Saavedra, A Silva, M Monperrus. 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE ‘24), Demonstrations Track
- Generative AI to Generate Test Data Generators: B Baudry, K Etemadi, S Fang, Y Gamage, Y Liu, Y Liu, M Monperrus, J Ron, A Silva, D Tiwari. IEEE Software Nov.-Dec. 2024
- RepairLLaMA: Efficient Representations and Fine-Tuned Adapters for Program Repair: A Silva, S Fang, M Monperrus (2023) arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.15698
- MUFIN: Improving Neural Repair Models with Back-Translation: A Silva, JF Ferreira, H Ye, M Monperrus (2023) arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02301
- FLACOCO: Fault Localization for Java based on Industry-grade Coverage: A Silva, M Martinez, B Danglot, D Ginelli, M Monperrus (2021) arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12513
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